Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Allergy Reduction

Do you often catch yourself in a sneezing frenzy or perhaps constantly suffer from a runny nose? These are both signs of allergies. While there are different types of allergies, it's important to know which ones you are allergic to. Identifying the culprits can help you take the necessary actions on getting rid of these triggers from your home.

Using a vacuum to clean your house is one of the most effective ways to eliminate allergens within your home. Cleaning your house regularly can also prevent allergy attacks. However, it’s also important to do it properly by using a high-quality vacuum cleaner.

Tips on How to Use a Vacuum to Eliminate Dust

Start from top to bottom. To eliminate dust, start vacuuming from the highest parts of your home. Normally, the dust settles and accumulates on top of cabinets and trim, which are the hardest area to reach.

If your vacuum cleaner cannot reach, you can use a microfiber cloth instead. A regular duster or cloth cannot absorb dust and dirt as easily as a microfiber fabric. Instead, it can only transfer more dust in the air. Therefore, you should consider wearing a mask while cleaning to reduce the chance of inhaling particles.

Buy a separate attachment. The best thing about using vacuum cleaners is that it easily sucks the particles without exerting too much effort. For hard to reach areas, you can purchase a separate attachment designed for window blinds, ceiling fans or a specific area.

A vacuum drape is excellent for cleaning heavy curtains. This type of attachment usually requires less suction which is why you need to be careful when using this. Some of the tight spaces that may need attachments are baseboards, windowsills, cabinet tops, and corner ceilings.

Vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery. These items are the biggest magnets for dust mites. Before vacuuming furniture upholstery such as lamps and sofa, make sure that you clean your device first, especially if you just used it to pick up debris from a dirty floor or carpet.

Clean all areas properly. Just like anything else, doing things properly the first time can save you a lot of time and energy. Vacuuming the wrong way can cause problems to your equipment and possibly damage the surface you’re cleaning.

Pressing too hard on the vacuum can deform your carpet and instead of releasing the debris, the particles may get stuck in between the fibres. Hence, this means that the dirt will only accumulate and make your allergies worse. Make sure that your cleaning device is functioning properly before you start.

Check if the bag or bin isn’t full. If your vacuum cleaner’s trash bag or bin is full, replace or empty it. Otherwise, a full bag can negatively affect your vacuum’s suction and make it less effective.

When you’re emptying the trash, always wear a mask and avoid inhaling the dust. Do this outside your house so that the debris won’t get stuck inside your house.

Get rid of debris stuck in the vacuum. For effective cleaning, make sure there is no debris or hair stuck in the brush bar of the vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, it will be hard to use the vacuum cleaner and may damage the motor.

Large debris tend to clog the vacuum path. This can cause the device to lose suction.

Use slow movements. To ensure that your vacuum sucks all the dust, use slow movements. This gives your device enough time to absorb all the particles from the surface.

Another effective cleaning tip is to go over the surface twice and in opposite directions. This helps you cover all areas and ensure you won’t miss anything.

Schedule your vacuum cleaning hours. Carpets and rugs should be vacuumed at least once a week while upholstered furniture such as drapes, sofas, and mattresses should be done monthly. Rooms that get the most foot traffic should be cleaned twice a week. If you have pets in the house, you should vacuum the house more frequently.

A good rule is to clean your home twice a week. Make sure you include hard to reach areas too. Don’t just focus on vacuuming the carpet and upholstery. Rotating between certain areas can help lessen the load each week. Remember, all surfaces tend to accumulate dust. 

Why Regular Vacuuming is Essential

Whether you're allergic to dust or not, cleaning your house regularly is a must. Many particles dwell in your house and will only accumulate if left uncleaned. Dust consists of different particles which include fibres, dead skin cells, pollen, soil, dirt, and dust mites.

Dust mites are responsible for most allergic reactions. If there is dust in your house, then you could have dust mites too. However, some are so tiny that they are not visible.   

People with allergies often limit the use of carpet in their homes. However, even if it reduces the risk of accumulating dust, hardwood floors and other surfaces can still collect dirt and particles. Hence, it is important to be more diligent when it comes to using a vacuum cleaner to clean your house. The most common source of allergens includes dust mites, pollen, pet hair, and mould.

Bottom line

Now that you know how to effectively clean your house, make sure that you invest the right vacuum cleaner that will help achieve your needs best. Of you want to improve the quality of air in your indoor space, you can consider investing in a central vacuum system. This device can significantly reduce the effects of allergens in your home. At the same time prevent allergies from coming back.

Besides, following the tips we mentioned can help you live a better quality of life. You can visit your local vacuum store Calgary to check the different types of vacuum cleaners available in the market. A HEPA filter vacuum cleaner may be the best solution for individuals suffering from dust allergies. When buying a vacuum cleaner, make sure you invest in a high-quality product from a reputable brand.  

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